In the humdrum of American politics today, Obama and Edwards are at least great and truthful orators. They really, really believe in the leadership path they wish to steer this country on. And I believe both are sincerely guided on faith.
I think there is an inevitable cynicism inherent in the type of rough and tumble politics the Clinton's have endured. Wouldn't you be more steely eyed than fiery eyed yourself if you were so accustomed to being attacked and maligned, in very personal ways.
The sadness I have is that people do not see the decades coming, the dustbowl of enormous debt accumulating on the backs on the future, for the gilded age of the biographical self.
Our world is moving into a very different era, not necessarily more full of strife than it already is - but with that strife necessitating major changes to the way we live and interact with one another.
A big piece of making a step towards that change will be shifting the focus of our entrepreneurial energy into finding solutions for a sustainable future.
I think we can solve that.
But it will mean significant changes in the military industrial complex upon which so much of our economy relies. We geared up our industrial base for war in WWII, while the rest of the world was having their plants blown to bits on their soil, we geared up well for war, and we never stopped militarizing our economy.
It has become our Keynesian bottle genie, and unfortunately, it's tough to demilitarize an economy without major instability erupting on your own shores, as some of the people shuffled into the military in some cases as a result of the failure of our educational system and economy to provide enough civilian training and opportunity end up having to deal with revamping an educational system and economic system already on the brink of collapse.
The stories of these times will be interesting regardless.
I am hoping someone speaks soon about Iraq being a blunder, and that we are depriving Iraqi's of their freedom by turning their country into a magnet for sectarian violence. We made the quagmire- we can't fix the quagmire by continuing to provide energy to it.